Saturday, December 12, 2015

What is your 'lot' in life?

5 Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;
    you make my lot secure.
6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
    surely I have a delightful inheritance.
Psalm 16:5-6

I look at the life of others and I wonder how they go through life in a breeze; how sufferings and trials rarely touch them, and how they get by without a scratch. I look at my life and ponder, is this the lot the Lord has apportioned me? Am I going to endure these burdens for the rest of my life?

‘Lot in my life’ - the saying comes from the story in Genesis on Abraham and Lot. Lot seeks his own future and is tortured for it. Therefore, in his life he finds trouble throughout. 

Today, the Bible tells me that I can find joy in the ‘lot of my life’. How can I find joy on something so heavy and so difficult to deal with everyday? The joy is found in the Giver. I have to acknowledge that God is the giver of my lot. He intends for me to enjoy my life. He is the Great Orchestrator of my life. He will arrange everything for His glory, for my good and for my joy. He will grant me the grace to find the beauty on my sufferings, to wait on Him and to find joy in my toil.

18 This is what I have observed to be good: that it is appropriate for a person to eat, to drink and to find satisfaction in their toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given them—for this is their lot. 19 Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God. 20 They seldom reflect on the days of their life, because God keeps them occupied with gladness of heart. Ecclesiastes 5:18-20

I am looking forward to His redemption. I am looking forward to His deliverance. In the meantime, I will exalt His name, give thanks to Him amidst all the sorrows, look up to Him as the Giver of all of these, and find joy in what the Lord has provided. 

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