Tuesday, November 3, 2015

My mother

They say that when daughters become mothers, and mothers become grandmothers, the mother-daughter relationship is forever changed.

I am a first-time mom. It was very convenient to let my “older and wiser” mother take control and care of my newborn daughter for the first two months. My mother enjoyed every bit of moment with Unica (my 7week old daughter). My little one sleeps with her. My mother sang to her, talked to her and played with her. I rushed home from work to see my daughter safely cradled in my mother’s arms.

Gradually, I am learning the basics on motherhood101. My mother has been a good teacher. We may not agree on certain methods. But we listen to each other and compromise on the best approach for Unica. We are reminded that we are stewards of this precious gift God has entrusted to us. We both love Unica, because we want to glorify Him, the Giver of this gift. Now, I am fully aware of the sacrifices my mother made for us. The journey on raising a child is challenging but the rewards make all of these absolutely worth it and more!
My mother will leave for the Philippines tonight. She will leave behind two beings:
  • Her 7week old granddaughter – the joy in our hearts, and the love of our lives
  • Her 33 year old daughter – anxiously treading the realms of motherhood; and struggling to survive life in general
Mommy, I will not miss your fussing over the cleanliness of the flat or your constant washing of our laundry. What I will miss the most is the comfort of your presence - to know that no matter what happens, you are just inches away from me. I know that the distance will never be a hindrance of our love. Knowing that we are in each other’s prayers every day, will bring us the comfort and peace we both seek.
I will be the best mother for Unica and I will make you proud.
We love you! See you soon!

 “It’s such a grand thing to be a mother of a mother — that’s why the world calls her GRANDmother.” – Author Unknown