Friday, October 17, 2014

My life through my Facebook posts

I looked back and tried to see my life through the Facebook entries I made through the years. Going through the old posts made me smile. I had so many silly and nonsense entries. Some of my entries were so insane; I could not believe I posted these. 

The entries revealed one thing about me: I bounce back. This is the story of my life. I have been through some of the lowest times. I have experienced wonderful moments. But no matter what life threw at me, and no matter where life took me, I made my Facebook entry on this, slept on it and faced the next day with renewed strength and hope. 

The old posts reminded me on how faithful the Lord has been with my life. He has sustained me through the years. I am humbled on how wonderful the Lord has been. He is not done with me yet, and while I wait for Him to reveal His plans on my life, I will continue to serve and worship Him.

So, what does your Facebook posts say about you? 

1 comment:

  1. puro food, travel! :) hehehe.
    I must admit that I'm not as transparent in FB. Maybe I should share more of my weird thoughts online?
